“This is an incredible recognition for our biodiversity revitalization project!!
In so few months since our creation, this distinction proves that everything is possible when you fully invest yourself in your mission!
I would like to thank Trends Tendances Magazine and the entire @betterflybox team: Dimitri Perraudin, Alexis Franck, Hortense De Sadeleer Jean-Charles De Keyser and all the students and interns….
Each one played an essential role in making our idea a reality!!”
Marina Cartalis, founder of Betterfly.z
In so few months since our creation, this distinction proves that everything is possible when you fully invest yourself in your mission!
I would like to thank Trends Tendances Magazine and the entire @betterflybox team: Dimitri Perraudin, Alexis Franck, Hortense De Sadeleer Jean-Charles De Keyser and all the students and interns….
Each one played an essential role in making our idea a reality!!”
Marina Cartalis, founder of Betterfly.z